Source: ADEUMMobilePlugin.js

//  Copyright (c) 2019 AppDynamics Technologies. All rights reserved.

var exec = require('cordova/exec');
var PLUGIN_NAME = 'ADEUMMobilePlugin';

 * ADEUMMobilePlugin class.
 * ** Note about on-premise deployments**: Some of the features described here require a minimum version of EUM server deployed.
 * Please refer to the following page for more information:
 * @class
function ADEUMMobilePlugin() {


  * Returns plugin version.
  * @param {function} success user defined success callback
  * @param {function} error user defined error callback
  * @returns {string}
  ADEUMMobilePlugin.prototype.getVersion = function(success, error) {
    console.log("inside js getVersion");
    exec(success, error, PLUGIN_NAME, 'getVersion', []);

   * @deprecated Please set the initialization parameters while adding the plugin
   * to the app through command line arguments using the "--variable <name>=<value>"
  ADEUMMobilePlugin.prototype.initWithAppKey = function(appKey, success, error) {
    exec(success, error, PLUGIN_NAME, 'initWithKey', [appKey]);

   * @deprecated Please set the initialization parameters while adding the plugin
   * to the app through command line arguments using the "--variable <name>=<value>"
   * Initializes the agent and starts instrumentation.
   * @param {string} configuration settings in json format
   * @param {function} success user defined success callback
   * @param {function} error user defined error callback
  ADEUMMobilePlugin.prototype.initWithConfiguration = function(config, success, error) {
    exec(success, error, PLUGIN_NAME, 'initWithConfiguration', [config]);

   * Change the App Key associated with the agent.
   * @param {string} appKey
   * @param {function} success user defined success callback
   * @param {function} error user defined error callback
  ADEUMMobilePlugin.prototype.changeAppKey = function(appKey, success, error) {
    exec(success, error, PLUGIN_NAME, 'changeAppKey', [appKey]);

   * Starts named timer.
   * Allowed characters are [A-Za-z\s0-9].
   * Illegal characters shall be replaced by their ASCII hex value.
   * @param {string} name
   * @param {function} success user defined success callback
   * @param {function} error user defined error callback
  ADEUMMobilePlugin.prototype.startTimerWithName = function(name, success, error) {
    exec(success, error, PLUGIN_NAME, 'startTimerWithName', [name]);

   * Stops named timer.
   * @param {string} name
   * @param {function} success user defined success callback
   * @param {function} error user defined error callback
  ADEUMMobilePlugin.prototype.stopTimerWithName = function(name, success, error) {
    exec(success, error, PLUGIN_NAME, 'stopTimerWithName', [name]);

   * Report a metric with name and value.
   * Allowed characters are [A-Za-z\s0-9].
   * Illegal characters shall be replaced by their ASCII hex value.
   * @param {string} name
   * @param {number} value  if value is not a whole number an error will be returned.
   * @param {function} success user defined success callback
   * @param {function} error user defined error callback
  ADEUMMobilePlugin.prototype.reportMetricWithName = function(name, value, success, error) {
    exec(success, error, PLUGIN_NAME, 'reportMetricWithName', [name, value]);

   * Leaves a breadcrumb that will appear in a crash report.
   * Each crash report displays the most recent 99 breadcrumbs.
   * @param {string} breadcrumb The string to include in the crash report and sessions.
   * Truncated at 2048 characters and empty values are ignored.
   * @param {number} mode 0 - for crashes only or 1 - for crashes and sessions. Defaults to
   * crashes if mode is not parseable.
   * @param {function} success user defined success callback
   * @param {function} error user defined error callback
  ADEUMMobilePlugin.prototype.leaveBreadcrumb = function(breadcrumb, mode, success, error) {
    exec(success, error, PLUGIN_NAME, 'leaveBreadcrumb', [breadcrumb, mode]);

   * Send custom name, value pair.
   * @param {string} key
   * @param {string} value
   * @param {function} success user defined success callback
   * @param {function} error user defined error callback
  ADEUMMobilePlugin.prototype.setUserData = function(key, value, success, error) {
    exec(success, error, PLUGIN_NAME, 'setUserData', [key, value]);

   * Removes user data set using {@link setUserData}.
   * @param {string} key
   * @param {function} success user defined success callback
   * @param {function} error user defined error callback
  ADEUMMobilePlugin.prototype.removeUserData = function(key, success, error) {
    exec(success, error, PLUGIN_NAME, 'removeUserData', [key]);

   * Asynchronously takes a screenshot of the current Activity's window.
   * If screenshots are disabled through configuration
   * or through the controller UI, this method does nothing.
   * This will capture everything, including personal information, so you must be cautious of
   * when to take the screenshot.
   * These screenshots will show up in the Sessions screen for this user.
   * @param {function} success user defined success callback
   * @param {function} error user defined error callback
  ADEUMMobilePlugin.prototype.takeScreenshot = function(success, error) {
    exec(success, error, PLUGIN_NAME, 'takeScreenshot', []);

   * Unblocks screenshot capture if it is currently blocked. Otherwise, this has no effect.
   * If screenshots are disabled through --SCREENSHOTS_ENABLED=false command line parameter
   * while adding the plugin or through the controller UI, this method has no effect.
   * If screenshots are set to manual mode in the controller UI, this method unblocks for
   * manual mode only.
   * **WARNING:** This will unblock capture for the entire app.
   * The user is expected to manage any possible nesting issues that may
   * occur if blocking and unblocking occur in different code paths.
   * See {@link #blockScreenshots()}
   * @param {function} success user defined success callback
   * @param {function} error user defined error callback
  ADEUMMobilePlugin.prototype.unblockScreenshots = function(success, error) {
   exec(success, error, PLUGIN_NAME, 'unblockScreenshots', []);

   * Blocks screenshot capture if it is currently unblocked. Otherwise, this has no effect.
   * If screenshots are disabled through --SCREENSHOTS_ENABLED=false command line parameter
   * while adding the plugin or through the controller UI, this method has no effect.
   * **WARNING:**  This will block capture for the entire app.
   * The user is expected to manage any possible nesting issues that may
   * occur if blocking and unblocking occur in different code paths.
   * See {@link #unblockScreenshots()}
   * @param {function} success user defined success callback
   * @param {function} error user defined error callback
  ADEUMMobilePlugin.prototype.blockScreenshots = function(success, error) {
   exec(success, error, PLUGIN_NAME, 'blockScreenshots', []);

   * Returns whether screenshot capture is blocked
   * @param {function} success user defined success callback
   * @param {function} error user defined error callback
   * @returns {boolean}
   ADEUMMobilePlugin.prototype.screenshotsBlocked = function(success, error) {
     exec(success, error, PLUGIN_NAME, 'screenshotsBlocked', []);

   * Reports that an info point has started
   * @param {string} name module or file name
   * @param {string} functionName
   * @param {string} args a string representation of the arguments
   * @param {function} success user defined success callback
   * @param {function} error user defined error callback
   * @returns {object} tracker object that can be used to report end of info point
  ADEUMMobilePlugin.prototype.beginCall = function(name, functionName, args, success, error) {
    exec(function( key) { success(new CallTracker(key)); }, error, PLUGIN_NAME,
         'beginCall', [name, functionName, args]);

   * Begins tracking an HTTP request
   * @param {string} url The URL being requested
   * @param {function} success user defined success callback
   * @param {function} error user defined error callback
   * @returns {object} tracker object that can be used to report request and response
   *    information as it becomes available.
  ADEUMMobilePlugin.prototype.beginHttpRequest = function(url, success, error) {
    exec(function( key) { success(new HttpRequestTracker(key)); }, error, PLUGIN_NAME,
         'beginHttpRequest', [url]);

  function CallTracker (key) {
      this.key = key;

      this.reportCallEnded = function (sr, er) {
          exec(sr, er, PLUGIN_NAME, 'endCall', [this.key]);

      this.reportCallEndedWithReturnValue = function (returnValue, sr, er) {
          exec(sr, er, PLUGIN_NAME, 'endCall', [this.key, returnValue]);

  function HttpRequestTracker (key) {
    this.key = key;

    this.withURL = function (url, sr, er) {
        exec(sr, er, PLUGIN_NAME, 'withURL', [this.key, url]);

    this.withResponseCode = function (status, sr, er) {
        exec(sr, er, PLUGIN_NAME, 'withResponseCode', [this.key, status]);

    this.withResponseContentLength = function (contetLength, sr, er) {
        exec(sr, er, PLUGIN_NAME, 'withResponseContentLength', [this.key, contetLength]);

    this.withRequestContentLength = function (contentLength, sr, er) {
        exec(sr, er, PLUGIN_NAME, 'withRequestContentLength', [this.key, contentLength]);

    this.withErrorMessage = function (error, sr, er) {
        exec(sr, er, PLUGIN_NAME, 'withErrorMessage', [this.key, error]);

    this.withRequestHeaderFields = function (headerJson, sr, er) {
        exec(sr, er, PLUGIN_NAME, 'withRequestHeaderFields', [this.key, headerJson]);

    this.withResponseHeaderFields = function (headerJson, sr, er) {
        exec(sr, er, PLUGIN_NAME, 'withResponseHeaderFields', [this.key, headerJson]);

    this.withInstrumentationSource = function (source, sr, er) {
        exec(sr, er, PLUGIN_NAME, 'withInstrumentationSource', [this.key, source]);

    this.reportDone = function (sr, er) {
        exec(sr, er, PLUGIN_NAME, 'reportDone', [this.key]);

  * Starts next session and ends the current session.
  * The session started using this API may be ended by inactivity timeout set in
  * the Application Configuration, before the next call to this API.
  * This API makes some practical assumptions about session lengths among end users.
  * Excessive use of this API will cause sessions to be throttled (excessive use
  * is >10 calls per minute per agent, subject to change)
   * @param {function} success user defined success callback
   * @param {function} error user defined error callback
  ADEUMMobilePlugin.prototype.startNextSession = function(success, error) {
    exec(success, error, PLUGIN_NAME, 'startNextSession', []);

   * Starts a Session Frame.
   * @param {string} sessionFrameName The name of the session frame that will appear in the UI.
   * @param {function} success user defined success callback
   * @param {function} error user defined error callback
   * @returns {@link #SessionFrame} a SessionFrame object which should be retained for further operations.
   * @since 1.8
  ADEUMMobilePlugin.prototype.startSessionFrame = function(sessionFrameName, success, error) {
    exec(function( key) { success(new SessionFrame(key)); }, error, PLUGIN_NAME,
         'startSessionFrame', [sessionFrameName]);

   * Session Frame - Used to manually create a session frame in the Session UI.
  function SessionFrame (key) {
      this.key = key;

       * Updates the name of the session frame.
       * This is generally used when the best name for the Session Frame
       * is not known at the time of its creation.
       * @param sessionFrameName The name of the session frame that will appear in the UI.
       * @param {function} success user defined success callback
       * @param {function} error user defined error callback
      this.updateName = function (sessionFrameName, sr, er) {
          exec(sr, er, PLUGIN_NAME, 'updateSessionFrameName', [this.key, sessionFrameName]);

       * Reports the end of the session frame.
       * The {@link SessionFrame} object will no longer be useable after this call.
      this.end = function (sr, er) {
          exec(sr, er, PLUGIN_NAME, 'endSessionFrame', [this.key]);

   * For internal testing only.
  ADEUMMobilePlugin.prototype.crash = function(success, error) {
    exec(success, error, PLUGIN_NAME, 'crash', []);

  ADEUMMobilePlugin.prototype.flush = function(success, error) {
    exec(success, error, PLUGIN_NAME, 'flush', []);

ADEUMMobilePlugin.install = function()
  if(!window.plugins) {
     window.plugins = {};

  window.plugins.ADEUMMobilePlugin = new ADEUMMobilePlugin();
  return window.plugins.ADEUMMobilePlugin;
